Friday, January 25, 2013

Odysseus and his Dog

[Setting: Odysseus has returned home disguised so as to test those loyal to him.]

"It was Argos, long-enduring Odysseus' dog
he trained as a puppy once, but little joy he got
since all too soon he shipped to sacred Troy.
But now with his master gone he lay there, castaway.
But the moment he sensed Odysseus standing by
he thumped his tail, nuzzling low, and his ears drooped,
though he had no strength to drag himself an inch
toward his master.  Odysseus glanced to the side
and flicked away a tear.
With that he entered the well-constructed palace,
strode through the halls and joined the proud suitors.
But the dark shadow of death closed down on Argos' eyes
the instant he saw Odysseus, twenty years away."

I've been rereading The Odyssey and this is my favorite bit in the entire text. So heart-wrenching. Sometimes I wonder if affection is ever truly better displayed than in a dog. xo

1 comment:

abby said...

I love this part too!